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It is rare that the people at the coal face get the credit, but the pictures of two of our executives appearing in a magazine gave us all a boost. The two ladies in question are very attractive anyway and the readers assumed they were glamour models instead of highly qualified professionals in the uniform business.

Appearance of staff is our business of course, and our worldwide clientele in the leisure industry depend on us to present them in the best way.

We are bombarded through all forms of media about body image: “what you should look like” etc. The fact remains that 99% of us ain’t like that. I, on the other hand, I look in the mirror in the morning and see a twenty five year old highly tuned athlete! The fact that the old saggy body is not reflected is irrelevant. I am marketing these amazing mirrors at £3750 EACH – buy now while stocks last!

The truth is that in every club, hotel or restaurant, staff come in every known shape and size and our designers have to insure that a uniform (that by definition the same on everyone) makes them all look and feel good.

After twenty five years in the business I think we know how to do it.

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